Let us tell you a little bit about our church.

Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life.” John 11:25

Beliefs and Values

We long to be a people who live and flourish in the life offered by Jesus, our resurrected Lord. This is made possible by our fidelity to the library of God’s revelation in the scriptures, our obedience to the teaching of Christ, and our commitment to the formation offered by the sacraments. We find our freedom by participating in God’s good creation, according to his will and purposes.

  • We affirm the three historic creeds, the four Ecumenical Councils, as well as the Jerusalem Declaration and the 39 Articles of Religion, in accordance with the Diocese of The Upper Midwest. These can be found here.

  • Our Worship service is structured around the liturgy found in the 2019 Book of Common Prayer (ACNA). We practice weekly eucharist and use styles taken from both “high-church” and “low-church” traditions. Our music is broadly contemporary, using texts both ancient and modern.

Staff and Leadership

Let us introduce you to our staff.

Children and Families

We believe that children are a vital part of our community. It is our hope that each child will be nurtured in a safe environment where they can grow in their relationship with God and their participation in our church. Our approach to family ministry is guided by these principles.

  • We currently offer children’s ministry for 0-3 years (Nursery), 3 years-Kindergarten, and 1st - 5th graders every Sunday morning. Children are also always welcome in the sanctuary.

  • All staff and children’s ministry volunteers are required to submit to a full background check, MinistrySafe training, and attending at least one training session lead by the children’s ministry leaders of our Twin Cities group of anglican churches. You can read our full protocol document here.

  • If you need to report misconduct to the Anglican Diocese of the Upper Midwest Intake Officer, please follow this link.

Our Anglican Identity

We are Anglican church in the ACNA Diocese of The Upper Midwest. Explore what it means to be Anglican.

Contact us.

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